On November 7-9, 2018, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) Thematic Group on Cash Management and Forecasting held a meeting in Vienna, Austria. The main objectives of the meeting were to identify essential elements of soundly-based and high-performing cash flow forecasting; and to share ideas and experiences on how these could be developed in the participating countries. The group also explored the links between cash flow forecasting and budget execution and discussed latest developments in the area of cash management in participating countries. The meeting was attended by 33 specialists representing 16 PEMPAL countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine). Mr. András Réz (Hungarian Government Debt Agency) and Dr. Török Tamás Pál (Hungarian State Treasury) joined the meeting as invited guest speakers. The event was facilitated by the World Bank team.
07 - 09 November 2018
TCOP cash management thematic group meeting
Vienna, Austria
1.1. Presentation ”Four-Year Journey of the TCOP Cash Management Thematic Group” / Mr. Ilyas Tufan
1.2. Presentation ”Public Cash Management in Hungary – the Role of the Government Debt Management Agency” / Mr. András Réz
1.3. Presentation ”Cash Management – Liquidity Forecast” / Dr. Török Tamás Pál
2.1. Presentation “Cash Flow Forecasting: why, how and for what?” / Mr. Miсhael Williams
2.2. Presentation “Cash Forecasting in Turkey” / Mr. Ilyas Tufan
2.3. Presentation “Cash Flow Forecasting and Cash Planning in the Federal Treasury” / Ms. Ekaterina Semenova
3.1. Presentation “How Does Cash Management and Forecasting Differ from Cash and Appropriation Control”/ Mr. Mark Silins
2. Kazakhstan
4. Russia
5. Turkey