Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) of the Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia held an annual BCOP Plenary meeting in Ljubljana.
During the meeting, BCOP member countries examined and discussed members’ priority budgeting topics in public spending effectiveness and openness and plan BCOP’s future activities.
The meeting’s successfully achieved objectives were:
- to examine current experiences and advice (including international development organizations’ work and country cases) in the areas of:
- health sector budgeting
- program and performance budgeting
- budget openness
- climate change-responsive budgeting
- to share developments from BCOP’s working groups
- to collect member countries’ feedback on their priority topics, as inputs into the planning of BCOP’s FY24 activities
A knowledge product summarizing the key takeaways from this event is available at https://www.pempal.org/knowledge-product-list.