BCOP delegation participated and contributed to the meeting of OECD Senior Budget Officials regional network for Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European Countries (CESEE SBO) that took place on December 5-6. Cooperation with OECD provides an important opportunity for PEMPAL BCOP countries to exchange experience and share progress in budgeting reforms with countries from another network. BCOP’s content contribution to this OECD meeting, included delivering a presentation of the work of its Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group on linking budget planning with strategic planning and a presentation on linking budget planning with strategic planning in Bulgaria, while all of the 15 participating BCOP countries also presented the news on budgeting reforms in their countries. Other meeting sessions included independent fiscal institutions and sustainability of public finances, green budgeting, spending reviews, and Croatian PFM reforms.

05 - 06 December 2023
BCOP’s Participation in the OECD CESEE SBO Meeting
Zagreb, Croatia
bulgaria_-_linking_strategic_planning_to_program_budgeting.pdf croatian_presentation_in_the_oecd_meeting_eng.pdf kazakhstan_slides.pdf kosovo_slides.pdf latvia_slides.pdf lithuania_slides.pdf north_macedonia_slides.pdf oecd_-_green_budgeting_.pdf oecd_-_independent_fiscal_institutions.pdf oecd_-_spending_reviews.pdf pempal_bcop_slides_for_oecd_cesee_dec_2023_mtg_strategic_planning.pdf romania_slides.pdf serbia_slides_eng.pdf turkiye_slides_for_dissemination.pdf uzbekistan_slides.pdf