Meeting Topic: Public Participation: Completion of the draft BLTWG knowledge product; and latest information by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT).
Meeting Objectives:
- To provide an overview of the BLTWG knowledge product before its finalization, and to discuss next steps.
- For IBP to share the latest results in public participation and transparency from the Open Budget Survey 2019 (released at the end of April 2020), including key findings and recommendations.
- For GIFT to share the latest country case studies and trends from around the world on public participation including the latest GIFT work and research in this area.
Meeting Results:
22 people from 16 countries attended the BLTWG meeting including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Key results of the meeting included:
a) Sharing progress of public participation reforms to finalize work in this area, including reconfirming next topic for future investigation (participatory budgeting mechanisms) as decided in earlier meetings.
b) Finalization of the BLTWG knowledge product with comments from IBP and GIFT. The final version of the knowledge product is provided in the sub-folder below. A comprehensive event report capturing the discussions and decisions made in the VC meeting is also provided below.