Search results
Year: 2015|
* other|
Source: Mr Mark Silins, IMF|
Subcategories: Information Technologies in Treasury Systems
Year: 2015|
Source: Mr Joni Babilodze|
Subcategories: Information Technologies in Treasury Systems
Year: 2015|
* other|
Source: IACOP Resource Team|
Subcategories: PEMPAL Communication and Marketing
Year: 2015|
* EU|
Source: Dr Balazs Dencso, DDG, MoF Hungary|
Subcategories: Audit Reforms
Year: 2015|
Source: Karen Brutyan PHD|
Subcategories: Audit Reforms
Year: 2015|
Source: Nr Zilif Lufi, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Kosovo|
Subcategories: Accounting Reforms
Year: 2015|
Source: MoF IA Division, Croatia|
Subcategories: Training and Development
Year: 2015|
* other|
Source: TCOP resource team|
Subcategories: Network Theory and Practice
Year: 2015|
* other|
Source: Prof Andreas Bergmann and Robin Braun, zhaw School of Management|
Subcategories: Accounting Reforms
Year: 2015|
* EU|
Source: Peter Ivanek, MoF of Slovak Republic|
Subcategories: Accounting Reforms