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Year: 2015| * other| Source: Nataliya Biletska Public Sector Specialist, PREM World Bank| Subcategories: Annual Budget Documentation

Year: 2015| Russia| Source: Nikolai Arkadievich Begchin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Unit for Special Purpose Program Budgetary Planning, Budgetary Policy and Methodology Department at the Ministry of Finance| Subcategories: Medium Term Budget and Expenditure Frameworks

Year: 2015| * other| Source: PEM PAL BCOP Resource team| Subcategories: Annual Budget Documentation

Year: 2015| * EU| Source: Tom Ferris| Subcategories: program performance reports

Year: 2015| * other| Source: IACOP| Subcategories: Audit Manual Development

Year: 2015| * other| Source: IACOP| Subcategories: Audit Manual Development

Year: 2015| * other| Source: OECD| Subcategories: Budget Reporting Formats

Year: 2015| * other| Source: IMF| Subcategories: Budget Reporting Formats

Year: 2015| * other| Source: Independent Consultant, Beverly Trayner| Subcategories: PEMPAL Communication and Marketing

Year: 2015| * other| Source: OBR, Jon Riley| Subcategories: Budget Reporting Formats