24 June 2021

BCOP Participation in the Meeting of the OECD Senior Budget Officials from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (OECD SBO CESEE)



Within BCOP’s longstanding cooperation with the OECD, participants from the BCOP countries were invited by the OECD to attend the 16th annual meeting of the OECD Senior Budget Officials' regional Network for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries (CESEE SBO), which took place virtually this year.

BCOP has established close and valuable partnership with the OECD, primarily through this network (CESEE SBO). Cooperation with OECD provides an important opportunity for PEMPAL countries to share and benchmark their progress and challenges in budgeting reforms with countries from other networks on a regular basis and to learn and discuss newest trends in budgeting areas in OECD and CESEE countries.

The meeting focused thematically on spending reviews, including sessions on Draft OECD Best Practices for Spending Review, results of the recent surveys on spending reviews, and country case studies. This was the tenth OECD SBO CESEE meeting at which BCOP participated. BCOP contributed to the meeting with a presentation of results of the spending review survey for PEMPAL countries, based on data collected from 17 BCOP countries in early 2021.