BCOP operates two working groups - the Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) and the Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group (BLTWG). The BLTWG, active since 2015 and comprising of 18 BCOP countries, studies international experiences in budget literacy, openness, and access to citizens, as well as public participation and engagement in the budget process, with the aim of advancing practices in these areas in PEMPAL countries. The PPBWG, formed in 2016 and comprising of 17 BCOP countries, focuses on design and implementation of program and performance budgeting and spending reviews with the aim of improving spending effectiveness.
This VC workshop took place to examine the progress and to steer the future work of BCOP’s two working groups. The working groups took stock on the current tasks conducted by the working groups (including four BCOP FY21 knowledge products), planned the upcoming activities, and held initial discussions on members’ suggested priority topics to be examined by the working groups in FY22.