29 September 2020

BCOP network exchange meeting with the International Budget Partnership - BLTWG's Participation in the Webinar on Sector Budget Transparency in the COVID-19 Response


The objective of the webinar was to present a pilot assessment conducted by the International Budget Partnership’ in collaboration with civil society on budget transparency in health and education sectors, as part of the Open Budget Survey 2019. BCOP Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group’s representatives from Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, and North Macedonia attended this webinar. The webinar was organized by the International Budget Partnership and UNICEF.

The results included familiarization with new insights from the first Open Budget Survey on Sector Budget Transparency and exchange of information on innovations and good practice on transparency for sector budgeting and spending to enhance preparation and monitoring of health and education budget execution in the context of the pandemic. The webinar featured speakers from government and civil society from Argentina, Benin and South Africa, who highlighted that the pandemic context brings many challenges but also opportunities for transparency in sector budgets. Recommendations for governments, civil society, and international organizations were proposed. 

Further information can be found at IBP Sector Budget Transparency webpage