21 June 2023

BCOP PPBWG Workshop on Linking strategic planning to budget planning


This virtual workshop of BCOP’s Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) was organized on June 21, 2023, with the aim to provide introductory presentations and to collect members’ feedback on their specific areas of interest within the topic of linking strategic planning to program and performance budgeting. This topic was selected as the top priority of the BCOP member countries in during the group discussions in the BCOP 2023 Plenary Meeting held in Ljubljana in March 2023 and in the follow-up online survey.

The workshop outcomes will serve to inform the preparation of subsequent events and the potential development of a knowledge product on integrating strategic planning and budgeting.  Presentations were delivered by the BCOP Resource Team experts and an external consultant, and PEMPAL country cases were briefly discussed.