SAFE Trust Fund - Call for 2018 Proposals
The invitation for new SAFE Trust Fund applications is now open until 9 February 2018
What is SAFE?
SAFE means Strengthening Accountability and the Fiduciary Environment. It is a Trust Fund program administered by the World Bank and was established by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the European Commission with the aim of improving public financial management in the Europe and Central Asia region. This Trust Fund program provides support for activities to assess public financial management (PFM) performance, identify and implement actions to achieve improvements and share knowledge and good practices across countries in the region.
Who can apply?
This round of applications is open to projects from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Project proposals should be presented by Bank task teams and accompanied by a formal request from the beneficiary countries.
Additional details on the SAFE Trust Fund application
Click here.
Proposal Form
Click here to download the proposal form.
Further Information
Xiomara Morel or Jamie Lazaro
Secretariat, SAFE
The World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433, USA
Tel: +1 202 458-0643 (Xiomara) or +1 202 473-1799 (Jamie)