Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - 11:15

>The PEMPAL members are invited to participate in PEFA short questionnaire for updating the PEFA indicators.

The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program, launched in 2001, has created a credible and comprehensive framework for assessing PFM functionality, which has been applied in a large number of countries since 2005 - countries with different income levels, different administrative heritages, and in different geographical regions.

The PEFA Framework continues to be relevant and applicable in a wide range of contexts; however, after 9 years with only limited changes, it is time to update it. The PEFA Partners have no intention of changing the purpose of the Framework; rather, the update is intended to reflect the various developments in the PFM landscape over the past decade, strengthen several areas of acknowledged weakness, and extend coverage to new areas such as fiscal strategy, use of performance information, public investment, and public asset management.

The PEFA Partners are pleased to present the draft updated PEFA indicator set for public consultation, along with a note that uses a question-and-answer format to describe the background of and process for the update. To provide feedback — a crucial element in finalizing this important work — please complete the short questionnaire (attached) and/or provide more general comments and suggestions, by October 31, 2014.

More about the PEFA consultations can be found here.