11 December 2024

Thematic VC: TCOP Impact on PFM Reforms, Treasury Development, and Innovation


Following the recent consultations on the impact of PEMPAL on PFM reforms in member countries and in the broader context of measuring treasury outcomes and debating on the future of PFM, TCOP will hold a thematic VC on TCOP Impact on PFM Reforms, Treasury Development, and Innovation on December 11, 2024.

The objective of the videoconference is to discuss practical examples of the impact of TCOP activities on PFM reforms and treasury development in member countries. The event will contribute to the next PEMPAL strategy, help TCOP prepare for the Whole-of-Network Plenary on the Future of PFM planned for March 2025, and also be useful for national treasuries in terms of measuring and presenting the outcomes and impact of reforms they are implementing.

The videoconference agenda will include several presentations by TCOP members and a discussion.