24 - 26 April 2013

TCOP Workshop: Internal Control and the Role of a modern Treasury

Kiev, Ukraine

The Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) workshop on “Internal Control and the Role of a Modern Treasury” brought together 82 participants: 76 practitioners from 18 PEMPAL countries and experts from the World Bank, OECD SIGMA, Department of Finance in Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland, and the Ministry of Finance in Netherlands.

Date: April 24–26, 2013
Location: Kiev, Ukraine

The objective of the Kiev workshop was to offer an opportunity for TCOP members to exchange experiences in implementing internal control processes and procedures in the treasury. The workshop opened with a presentation about Ukraine’s experience in executing public financial management reforms that has made great progress in the last few years. The participants learned about the hosting country’s practice in reforming the functions of the treasury, specifically in relation to internal control.

Further on, other participating countries – Bulgaria, Ireland, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation – presented their cases.

After the presentations, participants participated actively in workgroup discussions. They compared the presented cases with their own national systems, especially in the area of reform of financial management control, and discussed major control issues of moving from centralized to decentralized payment processes.

In addition, the TCOP members analyzed the results of a thematic preparatory survey that had been conducted among the members before the event.

The three-day workshop was followed by a meeting of a small thematic workgroup on "Budget Classification and Chart of Accounts" on April 27. The workgroup members presented and discussed the cases of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Target group:



Report: REPORT

Language: The workshop was conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Russian and Bosnian.
Further information: please contact

Bojana Crnadak | e-mail: bojana.crnadak@cef-see.org | phone: +386 1 369 6333

Kristina Bogdan | e-mail: kristina.bogdan@cef-see.org | phone: +386 1 369 6136


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