20 - 22 March 2017

TCOP study visit of the thematic group on use of information technologies in treasury operations

Vienna, Austria

On March 20-22, 2017, representatives of PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) conducted a study visit to the Federal Ministry of Finance of Austria. The main objective of the visit was to familiarize the participants with the main features and functionalities of the Austrian Financial Management Information System (FMIS) SAP R/3, including detailed overview of the system modules used for budgeting, accounting, treasury operations, debt management, human resources management. The meeting was attended by nineteen specialists representing 8 PEMPAL countries (Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, and Ukraine) and facilitated by the World Bank resource team working with TCOP. 


1.Presentation  “IT Directorate General.PFM review"  Mr. Christian Ihle, Director  IT & organisation of accounting and payment transactions, DG V – IT, Ministry of finance of Austria

2.Presentation “IT – Federal Budgeting and Accounting in AUSTRIA, using SAP R/3”  Mr. Dieter Kraft, Accounting System Head of Application, Ministry of finance of Austria 

3. Presentation “IT – Budget structure – look and feel within the system Mr. Thomas Knap,  Expert for IT an Budget management – planning and – transactions, DG V – IT, Ministry of financ e of Austria

4.Presentation “Treasury and the federal debt managing processes Mr. Markus Stix, Head of the Federal Treasury Agency  

6.Presentation “IT – Treasury Look and feel within the SAP-System” Mr. Oliver Hofer, Financial Debts and Controlling System, Head of Application, Ministry of finance of Austria

1.Presentation "IT – Service Processes for the federal Budgeting and Accounting-System, using SAP R/3"

    Mrs. Manoela Bodiroza, International affairs BRZ 

   Mr. Ernst Steiner, Head of  SAP BRZ, Alexandra Zanelli (Service Management SAP Treasury) 

   Mrs. Alexandra Zanelli, Service Management SAP Treasury