On June 3-4, 2016, PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) organized in Chisinau, Moldova, a meeting of the thematic group on use of ICT in treasury operations. The main objective of the meeting was to offer to its members an opportunity to informally discuss key issues relating to use of ICT, particularly in relation to how it can better enable the changing role of the treasury function. The meeting was attended by twenty-nine specialists representing 10 PEMPAL countries (Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine) and facilitated by the World Bank resource team working with TCOP. Logistical support was provided by the PEMPAL Secretariat based in the World Bank Country Office in Moscow.
03 - 04 June 2016
TCOP Meeting of the thematic group on Use of IT in treasury operations
1)Presentation “Public Finance Management Information System of Moldova” Mr. Denis Bacheev, Deputy Director of the SE „Fintehinform”, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova
2)Presentation: "Government service of electronic payments Mpay" Center of electronic government of the State Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Moldova
3)Presentation “FMIS implementation in Moldova: project design and management” Ms. Elena Saharnyan, Director of the SE „Fintehinform”