14 - 19 October 2010

IACOP Members' Meeting in October

Bled, Slovenia

Members of the IACOP met in Bled, Slovenia in October for two back-to-back workshops on IA Manuals and T&C group.

8th PEMPAL Internal Audit Community of Practice - Internal Audit Manual Workshop Bled, Slovenia (October 14-15, 2010)


Date: October 14-15, 2010
Location: Bled, Slovenia 

The objective of the workshop was to create a common understanding on IA Manual – special attention was drawn to IPPF standards, IA Manual objectives, Capability maturity model and IPPF chapters, current status and overview of IA Manuals in PEMPAL countries and their view on IA Manuals.
During the workshop the IACOP members discussed good practices for IA Manuals, created an IA Manual working group and developed an action plan for further steps.

Topic: Internal Audit Manual

Target Group:


Contribution from Participants:

Participants were asked to  complete a thematic questionnaire that was circulated separately.


9th PEMPAL Internal Audit Community of Practice - Training and Certification (T&C) Workshop, Bled, Slovenia (October 18-19, 2010)


Date: October 18-19, 2010
Location: Bled, Slovenia 

The objectives of this workshop included a continuous  development of the community as a dynamic learning partnership between its members and setting the way forward: Integration of Konrad report (2008), results IIA Body of Knowledge (BoK) for internal auditors and Internal Audit Capability Model as common professional platform for internal auditors. The main focus was put on making the connection of BoK with T&C and placing BoK in the T&C system for internal auditors (current examples from PEMPAL countries).


Topic: Training and Certification

Target Group:






Language:The workshops was conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Russian and Serbo - Croatian.


Contact: Questions or requests for additional information may be addressed directly to Ms. Nataša Zmrzljak, PEMPAL Secretariat.