08 - 10 July 2024

Cross-COP Leadership Meeting

Vienna, Austria

The leadership of PEMPAL network will meet on July 8-10, 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

  • familiarize and/or update the COPs’ Executive Committees with the PFM practices in Austria,
  • review PEMPAL’s up-to-date progress and get COPs’ perspectives,
  • brainstorm for PEMPAL beyond FY25, and
  • plan for the whole-of-network meeting (tentatively proposed for Spring 2025).

The event will include three days of meetings. Around 50 participants are expected. Following the tradition of PEMPAL Leadership meetings, the first day of the meeting will be dedicated to familiarization with the PFM system of the hosting country. The second day of the meeting will be devoted to reporting on PEMPAL’s up-to-date progress and COPs’ perspectives and to brainstorming for PEMPAL beyond FY25. The first part of the morning of the third day will be used to initiate the planning of the whole-of-network PEMPAL meeting in FY25. Finally, the meeting will conclude with a meeting of the PEMPAL Steering Committee, an oversight body for the PEMPAL program comprising representatives of the program donors, as well as Chairs and Deputy Chairs of COPs’ Executive Committees. All non-SC members will also be invited to attend the Steering Committee meeting as observers.