28 November 2024

BCOP PPBWG Workshop on Usage of Performance Information in Decision-Making


This virtual workshop of BCOP’s Program and Performance Budgeting Working Group (PPBWG) will will serve to present the outline and the key planned elements/content of the BCOP’s FY25 knowledge product on Usage of Performance Information in Decision-Making to BCOP members and to get their comments and feedback to take into account in developing this knowledge product.  

The topic was identified as the highest priority topic for the members for FY25,  based on the members’ discussions in the BCOP 2024 Plenary Meeting and in the follow-up online survey of members conducted in May 2024. Specific aspects of interest of members include usage of performance information in budget allocation decisions, techniques/mechanisms for monitoring performance in budget execution stages; spending reviews; performance and impact evaluations of budget programs/policy, and overall government’s sectoral policy decision-making.

The workshop outcomes will serve to inform the development of this knowledge products, expected to be finalized in Spring 2025.