11 - 14 November 2013

PEMPAL BCOP Study Visit on the Spending Reviews in Ireland

Dublin, Ireland
The PEMPAL Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) successfully organized a study visit for its Executive Committee members from eight countries to Dublin, Ireland on November 11–14, 2013.
The main objective of the visit was to acquaint BCOP government officials with Ireland’s experiences of undertaking public spending reviews. Within the general topic of spending reviews, the participants were interested in learning how spending reviews are prepared at technical level and used in budget preparation, from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders in the budgetary process.
In order to provide PEMPAL participants with the perspective from all main stakeholders in the Irish system, presentations have been prepared by the representatives of the Department of Finance, the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council, and the Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union.
As a follow-up, participants considered the lessons learnt by Ireland in the process of introducing their own spending review systems and making possible adjustments to the existing systems.
Language: The meetings were conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Russian and Bosnian.


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Tamara Maisuradze-Simic