08 - 12 October 2012

Internal Auditors Gathered in Lviv to Share Knowledge and Experience

Lviv, Ukraine
Internal auditors from Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning (PEMPAL) member countries gathered from October 8 to 12, 2012 at three back-to-back workshops in Lviv, Ukraine. The PEMPAL network connects some 150 public finance management practitioners organized around three communities of practice (COPs). The COP for internal audit is one, the other two are for budget and treasury. CoPs meet periodically to share experiences and seek practical solutions for priority issues related to public financial management reform implementation.

At Lviv workshops participants discussed topics such as Risk Assessment, Training & Certification (T&C),  and Quality Assurance. They examined existing good practices in participating countries and worked on preparation of IA CoP`s own knowledge resources. They continued with the preparation of manual on risk assessment methodology. In addition, participants developed good practice guidance for continuing professional development of the public sector internal auditors and finalized and endorsed the documents that were previously developed by T&C working group and which will be published in the future: PEMPAL IACOP Training program for operational internal auditors, Mentoring guidance template and Glossary of terms used in internal audit. Participants also elaborated the on-going quality control guidelines.

Agenda - Risk Assessment

Agenda - Training and Certification

Agenda - Quality Assurance


Contact: Questions or requests for additional information may be addressed directly to Ms. Maja Tomšič, PEMPAL Secretariat.